Thursday, January 9, 2020

Seeing Through A Glass Darkly

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” 1 Corinthians 13:12

St. Paul is describing how we see God now and how we one day will see God. This verse has been on my mind a lot just because of the play on words of 20/20 Vision in the Year 2020. 20/20 Vision is to see clearly. I may think I can see clearly what the year holds by looking at my calendar, but I know that it holds so much more than dates, events, appointments, and celebrations. I know though I can not see where and when that it will hold encounters with people, whom I have not met yet; disappointments, surprises, mundane works that need to be done but are not worthy of space on the calendar; unexpected reunions, and the unscheduled moments with God. I love the latter the most because I can not plan for those times. Those times are always so enriching and energizing.

I believe that because God created us that we have this desire inside of us to seek Him, to know Him, so that we might love Him for who He is. When we encounter Him in another person we see Him with blurry vision, because the person we are looking at is full of flaws, brokenness and darkness. They are a smoky glass to us and we are a smoky glass to them. But on this earth this is the only way we can bear to look at the Son during our eclipse because He is too brilliant for us to look at directly. We would be blinded.

I recently rewatched The Last Jedi where Rey goes into the cave and looks into a frozen wall hoping it will reveal the truth about her parents instead the ice clears to reveal her reflection. I feel like that is what we as pilgrims do is we search for truth and end up encountering our backwards selves. We long for the other side of the mirror, the clearer side of the glass, the undiscovered country. I feel a great sympathy for those that do not know Jesus. They yearn for the other side but they honestly do not know what or better who is on the other side. I can understand the frustration that must happen with them as they feel a pull, a call, a nudge to seek...but they do not know where to start. I know Jesus and I feel the pull, the call, the nudge to seek Him because He is infinitely more. I will never fully know who He is on this earth, but when I do see Him face to face I will know Him fully. I will be able to handle this knowledge in the new body that He will give me. This body that is not made up of flaws, brokenness, darkness will allow me to experience Jesus fully and completely, because I too will finally be full and complete. This smoky glass will be made clear and new.  The process actually starts now on earth on this side of the mirror with His help and with the help of others, for we are called to be in communion with Him and with each other.

My vision for this year is that I will continue to see Jesus in other's smoky glasses like myself.  Jesus will shine through them and myself so that while on this earth this stained glass will at least be a thing of beauty. Stained glass is always beautiful when the Son is shining through it.