Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Need For Epic Soundtracks

Cue the Epic Soundtrack!

I love soundtracks to movies! I remember when the trailer for the first installment of The Hobbit came out. After the dwarves had sung Misty Mountain and then the title of The Hobbit appeared, I turned to my husband said “Even if the movie is lousy I want the soundtrack.” Every time I drive through twisty turning roads, hills or even mountains and especially if a trace of fog is upon them, I hum the Misty Mountain song. At that moment I need an epic soundtrack to capture the moment.
Misty Mountain in West Virginia

I also love to fight to epic soundtracks. I own my own stage combat group, Swords and Roses®, and I teach stage combat. Sometimes to spice up a well-known bit of choreography or to remind the fighters of the mood of the fight I will add some soundtrack for fighting. Suddenly, postures improves, energy ensues, and a well known fight becomes interesting to watch.

Why do I love to put soundtracks in moments of my life? I think it is to pull me out of the ordinary and let my imagination make it extrordinary. I think I am looking for something bigger than myself and the soundtrack makes my epic adventure.