Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Into the Garbage Chute, Flyboy!

The quote above is one that will conjure up a certain image among Star Wars fans. The image from Episode IV: A New Hope where Luke, Leia, Han and Chewbacca end up in a trash compactor.

 When I was thinking about blogging I knew I wanted a Doctor Who motif, but when I started imagining my TARDIS it resembled that of a trash compactor on the Death Star complete with a Dianoga.

 On Doctor Who the entrance and control panel in The Doctor's TARDIS is clean with no hint of the adventures that its occupants have experienced on the outside.

The Doctor's TARDIS Control Panel 

 Since The Doctor's TARDIS is “bigger on the inside than it is on the outside”, there are other rooms that viewers see that are cluttered from the adventures The Doctor and his Companions have experienced.

This looks more like my office!

My TARDIS is a trash compactor. One look into my office and you will see this geek girl surrounded by books, action figures, more books, props, magazines, swords and...even more books. Adorning one of the walls is an old Smurf poster with the saying “Geniuses are rarely tidy”. “I think you live that creed.” My husband once commented, but he was soon silenced when I pointed to his man cave that houses his comics, games, books, miniatures, graphic novels, game system layouts...and gaming books.

So why am I talking trash? I am surrounded by it. Some of it I don't think I can part with EVER!!! Some of it I don't have the heart to get rid of because someone gave it to me as a gift and I am sentimental. Some of it I am actually getting rid of and I rejoice at that feeling of cleaning, detaching and letting go. But more keeps finding its way into my sanctuary.

That reminds me of another TARDIS. As I mentioned in one of my first articles, I imagine the Church is a kind of TARDIS. This TARDIS is clean and pristine and gives much more of a sense of what The Doctor's TARDIS would be. Therefore, I am always surprised when I discover trash in the TARDIS. It actually feels like an assault on all my senses. I travel a lot and in my travels I encounter inside Churches the good, the bad and the downright ugly. We are talking Dianoga creature ugly.
Who me?

One time I was at such a Church (let's call it St. Dianoga's to protect the innocent) and I felt disgust for the way the pews faced away from the tabernacle that houses Jesus and the lack of reverence as people were filing out of the pews to receive Our Lord and Savior. I know I am a prude. I do not usually watch people on their way up to receive Jesus unless they are drawing attention to themselves.  Instead of approaching Jesus with reverence and respect, the people of St. Dianoga's were slapping each other on the backs, talking about their golf game and treating the Reception line more like a buffet line. I prayed “Lord, do I go up? Can I receive you?” I was surprised to get a response. “Come to the Cross.” I went up, I focused on the crucifix that was mounted on the wall behind the priest and I received Him. I went back to my pew and prayed. “Lord, why today? Why? Why of all places do you talk to me amongst the trash?” The response once again was “Come to the Cross.”

I was surprised to find Him among the trash and the putrescence of St. Dianoga's. To this day I still ponder “Why of all places, Lord, did you answer me from among the trash?” I certainly was not expecting Him to be in the trash compactor, but there He was. Yet as I think of that moment, I am reminded that though Our Lord dined with the wealthy and the well off He was more often found with the undesirables, the misfits...dare I say it...the trash. These broken people were so broken that they heard Him and they listened to His message of mercy. As I sit among my trash compactor TARDIS I can't help but wonder...Is He calling out to me from amongst this trash too? I can't really hear Him like I did that day at St. Dianoga's. But if He is calling out to me from amongst this trash, maybe I better start clearing out the clutter, maybe I better start looking for Him so that I can find Him and hear Him better.