Monday, August 8, 2016

Looking for the Holy Door of Mercy at the Hall of Justice

I have always liked superheros, who hasn't dreamed of having some kind of super power and taking out “bad guys”? In the summer, it was not uncommon for my sister, the 3 neighborhood girls and myself to play superheros. We had our swimsuits on so we felt like we were halfway there. I liked Marvel's Firestar

 and I cleverly named myself Starfire way before Teen Titans was even thought about and way before they created a hero by that name.

Like all superheros, we did have headquarters which was based at my house since it was located halfway between the other two neighborhood girls' houses. We named our home base...Hero Headquarters! At Hero Headquarters we would dream up “bad people” to encounter and fight.  Then with a battle cry we would set our plan into action. My apologies to my neighbors' trees as they usually portrayed the “bad people” that we were bringing to justice. It is what we superheros are called to do after all bring the “bad people” to the Hall of Justice.

I was thrilled to encounter the Hall of Justice recently in my visit to Six Flags in St. Louis. 

It is a thrilling ride where you wear 3D glasses and fire “laser” guns at villains while you ride in a car that spins and bucks on its track.

My friend and I had to wait for the thunderstorm to pass over Six Flags and we ended up waiting out the storm in the Hall of Justice. All rides were closed for safety reasons even this indoor ride. We hovered near the doorway of the Hall of Justice to watch the storm roll by. This wait made me think of another doorway...that of Mercy.

I am Catholic and Holy Doors mean something to me. For those of you that have continued to read I will explain. Pope Francis has declared it to be the Year of Mercy and an extraordinary year of Jubilee. What this has meant to me personally is that I have been able to encounter some Holy Doors on my travels. My favorite one being the one Holy Door that I witnessed being opened on the beginning of the Year ofMercy.  Now, I struggle with the idea that God is merciful. God is Loving, I completely believe, since God is Love. God is Just, I believe because He knows us so intimately in fact He knows us better than we do ourselves. But God is Mercy? How can God, who knows me better than myself forgive me when He knows me for the villain that I am? I mean I'm not a Supervillain. I haven't tried to take over the world and I haven't destroyed much property for the sake of fun (since beating up on trees from my superhero days). But I have said unkind things to the people I love (that cuts at their spirit), I have rushed passed those that are seeking help (no time or can't be bothered), and I have not always prayed for the villains in my life. If I were a superhero I would be showing these villains, who make my life difficult...mercy.  But I am a villain myself.  I have received mercy that I do not deserve, and to add to the villainy I do not always grant mercy when I have been given the opportunity.

God on the other hand does show Mercy to everyone. I am reminded of that fact every time I enter through a Holy Door during this Year of Mercy. I might have to open the door, but if I enter through that door I will encounter God's Mercy if I myself am open (like said door) to receive His Mercy. The other thing that a Holy Door of Mercy and the doorway to the Hall of Justice have in common...both of them provide shelter from the storm outside for both heroes and villains.